
A repository of Onri’s most used tools or sub-tools for rendering in Blender.

The primary URL for the repository: OJB-Quantum/Blender-Common-Tools

Download Blender Here

Onri’s Free Blend Files Here (Examples for Reference)
Generate a Coffee Mug in Blender
Onri’s Chip Rendering Tutorials

Supplementary YouTube Tutorials
How to Render Faster In Blender Cycles
6 Minutes of Boolean Basics, Blender Secrets
Loop Tools Tips, Blender Secrets
Shade Auto Smooth, Ryan King Art
Blender Glare Node for Cycles Glow / Bloom, Brandon 3D
Fill Holes in a Mesh, Buvesa Game Development
Create Projectors Fast, CGMatter
How to make Blender Eevee Look Realistic - Indirect Lighting, Void Visuals
Improve Your Animations with the Graph Editor, 3Dschool
Make your Trees Move in the Wind - Noise Modifier, Twan Oligschlaeger
Easy Car Scene in 1 Minute, KennyPhases
YouTube Channels Description
Ryo Mizuta Graphics 3D Rendering Tutorials for Scientific Illustration Using Blender
CGFigures 3D Rendering Tutorials for Scientific Figures Using Blender
Brandon 3D Comprehensive 3D Rendering Tutorials Using Blender
QuickTipsCentral 3D Modeling & Rendering Tutorials at <1 Minute Each Using Blender
BlenderVitals 3D Rendering Tutorials at 1 Minute Each Using Blender
1 minute Blender 3D Rendering Tutorials at 1 Minute Each Using Blender
DOVOLO 3D Rendering Tutorials in the Shortform Format
CG Cookie 3D Rendering Tutorials Using Blender
Blender Secrets 3D Animation Tutorials Using Blender
KennyPhases 3D Animation Tutorials Using Blender
PIXXO 3D 3D Animation Tutorials Using Blender

Tables of Useful Tools & Shortcuts with Descriptions:

General Description
• Fast GI Approximation For faster rendering of lighting scenes, besides the use of GPU-accelerated Optix denoising.
• Deleting interior faces For faster rendering by allowing the system to spend less time on rendering faces that cannot be seen in the render view mode.
• The use of Wireframe mode in Viewport Shading to select all vertices, edges, or vertices So you won’t accidentally miss the selection of any vertices, edges, or faces.
• The use of Alpha setting under Materials Properties to quickly set 2D or 3D objects to a desired transparency To show rendered objects behind a surface.
• Solidify For adding thickness to an object mesh to use it as a solid 3D model.
• Bake For calculating associated physics in the Blender model.
• Screw Modifier For turning a selected object into a coil shape or similar.
• Bevel Modifier For adding a touch of realism to objects with “sharp” edges. Set the amount to 0.002 m and # of segments to 10.
• Build Modifier For animating objects to gradually appear into view frame by frame.
• Smooth by Angle Modifier + Shade Smooth Smoothes curved object surface based on the desired angle while retaining sharper, 90 degree edges.
• Render Properties » Advanced » Seed » Click timer box icon Animates the noise texture in the lighting conditions.
• Material Properties » Add a new material » Surface (set to Principled BSDF, pick color) » Specular (set to Multiscatter GGX, pick color) To allow an object to change color based on the viewing angle.
• Physics » Collision » Field Absorption, Damping, and Friction Set to max to allow particles to stick to selected object.
• Render Settings » Film » Pixel Filter Set to a wdith of 1 pixel or less to increase sharpness and clarity of overall render outcome.
• Object Properties » Shading » Caustics » Receive Shadow Caustics When box is checked, it allows for caustic effect to project on a selected object’s surface. Make sure caustic effects are turned on (usually on by default under Render Properties tab » Light Paths » Caustics).
In Object Mode Description
• Add Mesh For adding 2D and 3D shapes.
• Shade Smooth + Smooth by Angle Modifier For smoothing rough edges of added shapes.
• Selection of Objects + Hide [H key] For hiding of desired objects in Object Mode. This is great for isolating the selection of smaller objects in a scene.
• Nurbs [Bezier curve] » Data » Geometry » Bevel » Depth For easy creation of wire from surface to surface.
• Ctrl + Shift + [-] To cut 2 or more overlapping objects after selecting all desired objects, be sure to hide the cutting object’s render on the right panel.
• Ctrl + Join [J key] For joining selected objects after first selecting one of the objects.
In Edit Mode (Given that you select desired shape) Description
• Face Mode selection » press A » Mesh tab » Normal » Recalculate outside For remeshing.
• Face Mode selection » press Alt + E » Press S or Spin For creating a circle array of selected object.
• Any Selection Mode » Mesh » Clean Up » Limited Dissolve For merging vertices, edges, or faces into one section. Merge by Distance is a similar tool available under the same tab.
• Select » Checker Deselect For selection of every other face around an object such as a cylinder mesh. Perfect for creating gears.
• Fill [F key] For filling selected edges that are closed or not open-ended.
• Loop Cut For sectioning added shapes into smaller sections for modification.
• Inset [I key] For creating a form of offset of a face.
• Separate by parts [P key] For separating previously joined objects.
• Vertex Mode selection » press J » Loop Cut as needed » Face Mode selection » Bridge Edge Loops For connecting vertices, sectioning faces into smaller pieces as needed, then selecting desired faces to cut a hole into a 3D object.
• Shrink/Fatten For extruding individual or selected vertices, edges, or faces.
• Grid Fill For closing selected edges.
• Bridge Edge Loops For closing selected edges between 2 planes.
• Bevel For selecting edges, extruding it with the E key, selecting a direction to extrude the edge(s) with X, Y, or Z, then using the scale tool or S key to stretch the selected edges inward or outward.
• Add Single Vertex For extruding an added vertex in vertex selection to draw a modifiable line.
• Select tab » Select All by Trait » Interior Faces » Right-Click » Delete faces For deleting faces not expected to display in the render view mode, saves rendering time as well.

Rendering Resolutions That Can Be Set Under the ‘Output Properties’ Tab:

I have a personal preference for 3:2 aspect ratio, so here are some resolutions I like
1620 x 1080 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 1080p.
2160 x 1440 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 2K.
2880 x 1920 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 3K.
3840 x 2560 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 4K.
4096 x 2730 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 4K Cinema.
5120 x 3413 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 5K.
5760 x 3840 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 5.7K.
7680 x 5120 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 8K.
15360 x 10240 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 16K.
30720 x 20480 pixels = 3:2 aspect ratio version of 32K.

Note: at 3K resolution format, a combination of noise threshold at 0.09, max samples of 295, with fast GI approximation enabled, and no denoising can render 385 frames in ≈ 15 minutes. Using 75 or 95 samples works fine as well for animations. 15 or 20 samples works well for 8K resolution format. If using the CPU mode of the Cycles render engine, a sample number of 80, with fast GI approximation disabled shows good results.

When importing DXF layouts, 0.0005 should be scale value to fit in the viewport.